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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kristen Stewart thinks Emma Watson Is Trying To Steal RPattz

Kristen Stewart + Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart

Apparently, if this is to be believed, Kristen Stewart is suspicious of Harry Potter star Emma Watson and thinks she is trying to steal Robert Pattinson from her.

We kind of doubt this (Emma is currently at Brown so nowhere near Rob) BUT a source said, "Like all girls, Kristen can be very jealous and possessive, and in her mind Emma poses a threat."

They added, "Rob has commented before on how cute he thinks Emma is and Kristen worries that he would have more in common with her because she's British."

Another source insinuated that the girls are taking part in some war, saying, "Emma really took it up a notch when she , like she's telling the world Kristen is a bimbo and she's a real lady with poise and talent."

Adding: "She hates being thought of as a sex symbol or being valued for that over her talent, so Emma got her right where it hurts."

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